energy in nodes up your nose
emotional release your radiance with compassion
just put the orange with the purple
radiance from the sun
synthezized with
compassion morf the neptune
play play play
all nite oolong
7 sins deep
lez go again
orange like sun hue saves your soul
purple like like passion coming fearless in your soul
how just how just proud and loud
flow like water
shine like you
just put the orange with the purple
say it aloud
your voice is lovely
warms my worms
feel my wonders
help me wander
let me flow
at any show
just hue wait
for that LEO MOON
divide that circle by five
hit that NEPTUNE
aura aurora like the sun who wakes your soul
put the power of the sun
inyo compassionate soul
heyyy u know duyu nome like naomu loves bowls
aurs tsunami in your fn soul
wait for the nite
venus to unite
that lion moon
loves your neptunee